Sunday, April 6, 2014

Zelenka - Missa Sanctissimae Trinitatis

"Missa Santissimae Trinitis", (The Holiest Trinity Mass) in A-minor, ZWV 17 of Jan Dismas Zelenka was completed in 1736 as the first of five "High Mass" compositions he wrote in the last ten years of his life. The mass is divided into 19 individual parts. The orchestra parts are independent and often dominate over the simple homophonic chorus. The influence of the concerto structure is revealed in the contrast between solo vocal and choral parts. The opposite pole of the chorus concerto are the massive choral fugues - their dialogue here is not only demonstration of technical mastery of the composer, but also of intellectual depth and significance of the work. Performed by Musica Florea, Boni Pueri, conducted by Marek Štryncl. World premiere recording


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