Monday, April 7, 2014

Janáček - Sinfonietta, Taras Bulba

"Sinfonietta" and symphonic poem "Taras Bulba" by Czech Philharmonic Orchestra with conductor Karel Ančerl. Excitement, accuracy, passion, color, and expressive immediacy.  What other performance propels the second-movement ostinatos so forcefully, or builds the third movement's central climax with such explosive energy? Who else observes the various tempo changes in the brief fourth movement so effectively, wringing every drop of variety from its many repetitions of its opening trumpet tune? And who else drives the finale to positively expressionistic extremes of tension, making the return of the opening fanfares a moment of apocalyptic grandeur? I love this work, and enjoy other performances (including Kubelík, Neumann, Jílek, and Mackerras), but this is one of those rare occasions where you really can point your finger to a single version and say, "This is the best."


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